11.3.2020 11:30 - 11:50 · PacTec&FoodTec · Tulevaisuus

Sustainable solutions require deep innovation – how can IPR support your R&D culture?

We live in an innovation economy and all corporations – big and small – are surely able to maintain at least a shallow innovation culture. However, when making a real difference and creating sustainable solutions for the future, deep innovation is needed. Groundbreaking innovations, which disrupt the market, are typically based on considerable R&D investments. IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) can support the success of your new solutions in several ways. The first step includes providing information to boost the innovation environment and guide the efforts in the right direction. Ensuring freedom-to-operate is also an important premise to minimize risks. Finally, IPR can be utilized to secure your R&D investments before entering the market.

Linda Norrgård, European Patent Attorney, Papula-Nevinpat

Linda Norrgård is a Finnish and European patent attorney, who is specialized in inventions concerning polymer technology, such as bioplastics, and food technology. Her experience includes patent prosecution and defense. In the recent years, Linda has worked in close collaboration with startup ecosystems, advising and coaching startup entrepreneurs on creating an IP strategy to support the business. She also works inhouse in a large multinational corporation and has experience in utilizing IPR for boosting R&D projects.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/linda-norrgard/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/linda_norrgard?lang=en

  • Aika: 11.3.2020 11:30 - 11:50
  • Paikka: PacTec&FoodTec
  • Esiintyjät: Linda Norrgård