11.3.2020 14:00 - 17:00 · PlastExpo · Future

New Plastic Center NPC-seminaari -Biomuovit pakkauksissa

New Plastic Center NPC:n järjestämässä keskiviikkoiltapäivän seminaarissa saat kuulla tuoreita kokemuksia ja näkemyksiä Biomuovien mahdollisuuksista muoviteollisuuden ammattilaisilta.
14:00 Seminaarin avaus - Sauli Eerola, Muovipoli Oy
14:15 Woodly and Wipak, zero carbon footprint packaging solutions – Martta Asikainen, CTO (Woodly Oy), Josefina Pönkkä (Wipak Oy)
Plastic Gets Fantastic – introduction to case Woodly®. Woodly and Wipak: partnership for carbon neutral film packaging solutions
14:45 Stora Enso – Kirsi Seppäläinen (PEF pilot plant/ new bio-based materials)
In the presentation, Stora Enso will zoom in on its development efforts for a new process for the production of bio-based plastics to serve as a barrier layer in transparent packaging. Plant-based sugars are converted into the renewable building block required to make PEF, a bio-based plastic, mainly targeting the food and beverage industry. The process is now moving to pilot scale. The project strengthens Stora Enso's opportunities to replace fossil-based materials with renewable and recyclable materials. The pilot plant will focus on developing a cost-competitive process for manufacturing FDCA (furandicarboxylic acid) from sugars. FDCA is a key component of the bio-based barrier material PEF (polyethylene furanoate). In addition to its renewable nature, PEF's attractive barrier, mechanical and thermal properties open up new packaging opportunities, such as small liquid containers for soft drinks, juices and other beverages.
15:15 Bioplastics – present and future perspect Norner – Ole Jan Myhre
The presentation will cover the main bioplastic materials types and suppliers. Their applications and performances for packaging will be discussed including the practical experiences with these materials at Norner. The end-of-life options and some waste management aspects will also be discussed.
15:45 Yhteenveto ja keskustelua

  • Date: 11.3.2020 14:00 - 17:00
  • Location: PlastExpo
  • Performers: Ole Jan Myhre, Sauli Eerola, Martta Asikainen, Josefina Pönkkä, Kirsi Seppäläinen